
Welcome, Heather Cameron!


Church of the Hills welcomes Heather Cameron, our 2011 Intern. Heather started March 1st and will be with us into the autumn. We look forward to hearing Heather share the Lord’s Word, assist with Christian Education, and be available for pastoral care this summer. Following is Heather’s bio:

I was born and raised in a small town in eastern Ohio and in the United Presbyterian Church. (My paternal grandfather was a UP minister.) I graduated from Ohio State and then moved to California where I began my first of several careers as a buyer trainee and a group manager for a major department store. My next career was as a librarian–for a research firm and then for the City of Palm Springs. While still with the City of Palm Springs I attended graduate school, obtaining a master’s degree in Organization Behavior and Human Resource Management and becoming Human Resource Director for the city. I moved to Colorado with my husband in 1990 and continued in Human Resources. I was able to spend a year in Russia, establishing offices for several USAID projects for Arthur Andersen. In 2007, I lost my job and God “asked” if God had my attention now. I attended Iliff School of Theology and graduated with a Master’s of Divinity in June 2010. I have done internships at St. Paul Presbyterian Church and at Green Mountain Presbyterian. I am currently in my second unit of CPE working as a chaplain at Littleton Adventist Hospital. I am also a member of Shepherd of the Hills Presbyterian Church where I have served as a Deacon and as an Elder. I have edited the church newsletter, created a visitors’ brochure, worked with the fellowship committee and moderated the Personnel Committee.”

Check the summer worship schedule on the right side bar of this blog and join us in worship to hear Heather’s sermon.