Dee says, “I am starting to get several emails from members about the animal human connections. I wish there was some way we could log or keep these or have them where others could see them too.” And so, as possible, we will be logging the wonderful animal stories received by Dee as she prepares for our […]
More Books…
Dee has added more books to her reading list in preparation for the Summer of Exploring Creative Play and Spirituality. A full list of reading materials is always available on the left side-bar of this blog. Caroline Knapp Pack of Two Katrina Kittle The Blessings of the Animals Ralph Helfer Zamba Jonathan Balcombe Second Nature […]
Friday Features, March 11, 2011
THE SABBATICAL TEAM hopes to enhance the congregation’s own sabbatical experiences during the time Pastor Dee is on sabbatical. One such opportunity will be a study to deepen our understanding of the true meaning of Sabbath (the word Sabbatical actually means Sabbath). This study will be offered during the month of May on Sunday mornings, […]
A Summer of Exploring Creative Play and Spirituality
As printed in the March/April 2011 issue of Echoes: As our “Summer of Exploring Creative Play and Spirituality” approaches, we are pleased to announce the following guest preachers, their sermon themes, and how these themes relate to Dee’s sabbatical itinerary. Dates In the Pulpit Sermon Themes Pastor Dee’s Itinerary June 5 Pastor Dee Outdoor service […]
Friday Features, February 25, 2011
The last quote we shared with you came from Ann Bolson, pastor of Wild Rose UCC. The following is from a member of that congregation: We [the congregation] did not have visiting or interim pastors during [Ann Bolson’s] sabbatical. We relied on our own ingenuity and creativity. We did some fun things such as taking […]
Summer 2011 Worship Schedule, update
As mentioned in a previous post, we will be welcoming guests to share our worship messages from the pulpit during our “Summer of Exploring Creative Play and Spirituality.” We are excited to announce the Rev. Les Avery, Retired Pastor, St. James Presbyterian in Denver, as well as pastor for many other congregations, will be joining […]
Friday Features, February 4, 2011
The following quote is from Ann Bolson, pastor of Wild Rose UCC, Evergreen: “I gained rest, refreshment . . . and a chance to renew my ordination vows through reflection, prayer and writing. [My congregation] got back a refreshed and renewed pastor.”
Potluck Presentation, January 23, 2011
Thank you to all Church of the Hills elders, staff, members, and friends who joined us for the potluck lunch and Sabbatical informational presentation after worship on January 23, 2011. The food and attendance was excellent and the thoughtful questions were much appreciated. After an introduction and prayer from team member Lee Stratton, Pastor Dee […]
Sabbatical Frequently Asked Questions
Do you wonder: “What is the Purpose of a Sabbatical?” or “What is the Lilly Endowment Grant?” or “Is $8,000 really enough to cover all the church expenses for the summer?” These questions and many others are answered in the Sabbatical Frequently Asked Questions document available in hard copy in the Narthex or by clicking […]
Summer 2011 Worship Schedule
Summer of Exploring Creative Play and Spirituality During our “Summer of Exploring Creative Play and Spirituality” we welcome guests in the pulpit to bring our worship messages. The summer worship schedule will be announced again when final. To date, however, we are thrilled to share the following visiting pastors and guests and their topics: June […]