The following quote is from Ann Bolson, pastor of Wild Rose UCC, Evergreen: “I gained rest, refreshment . . . and a chance to renew my ordination vows through reflection, prayer and writing. [My congregation] got back a refreshed and renewed pastor.”
Friday Features, January 14, 2011
The following quote is from Stan Jewell, Retired Presbyterian pastor who not only has preached at COTH on several occasions, but served as liaison to our Pastor Search Team when Dee came to us. Stan reflects upon his recent sabbatical in these words: “My sabbatical was truly a time of renewal. . . . I […]
Friday Features, January 7, 2011
The following is a quote from Russ Kane, Pastor of New Hope Presbyterian Church in Castle Rock: “I think my congregation would say that they have seen a renewed vitality in me since I came back [from my sabbatical] . . .I am able to take on the ‘big’ challenges or our congregation . . […]
Friday Features, November 26, 2010
The Sabbatical Team congratulates Pastor Dee and the COTH congregation in the award of the very prestigious Lilly Foundation National Clergy Renewal Program Grant. This substantial Sabbatical award ($49,353) will fully cover the expenses of Dee’s Sabbatical, including generous financial support for the congregation while Dee is away. If you were not in Worship last […]
Friday Features, November 19, 2010
The Sabbatical Team encourages you to attend worship this Sunday to hear first-hand an exciting announcement regarding Dee’s Sabbatical scheduled for this coming summer. Join us in time for the pre-worship announcements at 10:30, then join us in the Narthex for coffee and celebration after worship. Don’t miss this opportunity to be a part of […]