Bend: Unconditional Love
After grooming Shamis, when she had indicated ‘okay I have gotten what I want,’ Keri instructed me to take her out to the grassy area. There she snacked on the sweet treat of green grass and leisure. Hanging with a horse is truly a gift.
I then took her up and sprayed her with water (we did this with two of the horses) to cool her off. With a big smile we took her to the round corral and shut the gate leaving her inside alone. Keri smiled and said watch this! Upon realizing what had transpired the horses would bow this large body down to the ground and roll on their back. Their movements allowed the dirt to fill into all those wet spots with sweet and tender delight covering their bodies with mud. They rolled and kicked their legs in the air with sheer pleasure and delight and play! Their bodies and faces expressing such glee and fun and wonder was a gift.
As we led them back to the paddock and released them, as they were now back with the herd, they realized all the actions today were about and for them alone. No one was asking anything from them, only to receive love.
I realized that although I have ridden horses most of my life, I truly loved grooming them. And I want to create such space in my schedule to allow for such a pure expression of care and love to such gentle giants.