Children’s Books Added to the Reading List
As we prepare for this Summer of Exploring Creative Play and Spirituality there are additional books in the COTH library for those younger at heart. Dee has shared her reading list with us, and these are for those younger readers who want to share in the adventure. Parents, please check out for yourselves or your children 😉 

Touch and Feel- Wild Animals
Face to Face with Lions by Beverly and Dereck Joubert
Face to Face with Wolves by Jim and Judy Brandenburg
Face to Face with Dolphins by Flip and Linda Nicklin
(All of these are national geographic)
Where the Wild Things Are Maurice Sendak
And Dee’s new favorite—-Me…Jane…by Patrick McDonnell (surprise ending!)
Check out Dee’s full reading list on the left side-bar of the blog, and join us this summer as we read and discuss some of the books through the summer book groups and Sunday Adult Education!