Patti and Dee ready for sea kayaking As we set off to sea kayak, they gave us brief instruction on kayaking, paddling, and keeping the boats upright. After spending a great deal of time on the water, we felt confident in our ability to not tip the boat over. As we approached the shore, we […]
COTH Guest in the Pulpit, Bill Calhoun
COTH welcomes our guest preacher, Rev. Bill Calhoun, to worship on June 26th. His topic “Sabbath and Sabbatical” will kick off our Summer of Exploring Creative Play and Spirituality as we explore topics directly related to Pastor Dee’s summer sabbatical. Following is a brief bio: Bill Calhoun is a retired minister member of the […]
Carmel: Otters – Seals – Sea lions
We were overwhelmed with seeing over 30 otters; our guide said it was otter heaven. They were quite amazing. They camouflaged themselves in the kelp so it’s easy to miss them unless they are eating or sleeping in a raft, with tails up in the air. The seals were also playing and swimming around us […]
Carmel: Location, Location, Location
I observe that the location we choose to play has a dramatic impact on our levels of creativity. If I choose to locate myself in a dark room with little color my creativity is somewhat stifled. If I choose to find a location that inspires, engages, and invites me to play, I do…. At the Monterey […]
Carmel: Adventurous and Playful
I learned part of an adventure on play is those playmates we choose to play with, to travel with, to laugh with and be ourselves with… so from the first leg of the sabbatical travel to Carmel are the amazing, playful, delightful, lovely, fun, loving crew—Laura, Patti, Nicki, Julia, Kelly, Kay and Dee. Here are a […]
Shared Stories: The Otter and Little Boy
This video clip was shared with Pastor Dee during her recent meeting with Dr. Stuart Brown of The National Institute of Play in Carmel, California. It coincides nicely with Dee’s adventures with the sea otters on the first leg of her sabbatical adventures. For a reminder of Pastor Dee’s upcoming travels and adventures, watch the Sabbatical Calendar on […]
Wolf and Wildlife Sanctuary, Part 4
Part 4 of Dee’s experiences from the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center ~ May 14, 2011 Humans Join in the Happy Chorus As I mentioned in earlier posts, we were encircled by 20 plus wolves as our leader lead the howling experience. We listened as she described the differences in tonal qualities and pitches. As she began, […]
Wolf and Wildlife Sanctuary, Part 3
Part 3 of Dee’s experiences from the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center ~ May 14, 2011 Invitation to play and participate After we circled the compound getting introduced to each of the wolves and their friends, after we learned of their histories, the wounds, the celebrations, the strengths, and their struggles, we were invited by the leaders […]
Wolf and Wildlife Sanctuary, Part 2
Part 2 of Dee’s experiences from the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center ~ May 14, 2011 Love and Affection When we sat down in the enclosure, the wolves immediately went for Lilly, showering her with love and kisses. The guides had shared with us the protocol: if they love you, they are freely affectionate. They will […]
Wolf and Wildlife Sanctuary, Part 1
Dee’s experiences from the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center ~ Divide, Colorado ~ May 14, 2011 WOW and amazing—I found myself saying these words over and over as we wandered through the Wolf Sanctuary. As we walked through the sanctuary being introduced to all of the wolves, the Timberlines, the gorgeous Arctics, the hesitant Mexican, […]